"Oh damn," said Julia Hedge, "why didn't they leave room for an Eliot or a Bronte?"
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
Yet another reason why independents rock!
Just love this post from Conversational Readingabout a great event hosted by San Francisco's The Booksmiththat combines a bookswap with a meet and greet and three hours of bookish talk! I would love to see a proliferation of literary salons springing up in bookstores everywhere - as much as I love to read blogs, nothing beats face to face literary chat with passionate readers.
I wish we had more independent bookshops in London, unfortunatley they're sparse (although strangely Borders went out of business here in the UK too...) It would be lovely to have a little bookshop nearby!
Yes this sounds fantastic and your bibilo vision is very appealing...
thanks for sharing
I wish we had more independent bookshops in London, unfortunatley they're sparse (although strangely Borders went out of business here in the UK too...) It would be lovely to have a little bookshop nearby!
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